1. Jesus was
born of a virgin. (Matthew 1:18-25) |
1. Muhammad was
born of a normal woman. (Ibn Hisham pp. 68-69) |
2. Jesus served
God as a child. (Luke 2:39-52) |
2. Muhammad was
and idolater. (Sahih Bukhari vol.6, p. 452) |
3. Jesus read
the Bible. (Luke:16-21) |
3. Muhammad was
illiterate. (Qur'an 7:156) |
4. Jesus
preached the gospel at God's command and lived on the donations of others. (Luke 4:16-21
and 8:1-3) |
4. Muhammad,
without being commanded by God, began to steal from others and live on their goods. (Ibn
Hisham pp. 281-) |
5. Jesus
performed miracles. (Mark 3:9-10) |
5. Muhammad
could not perform miracles. (Qur'an 29:49) |
6. Jesus made
blind eyes see. (Luke 18:35-43) |
6. Muhammad made
seeing eyes blind. (Sahih Bukhari vol. 8, p. 520) |
7. Jesus made
the lame walk. (Matthew 9:2-8) |
7. Muhammad made
the walking lame. (Sahih Bukhari vol. 8, p. 520) |
8. Jesus healed
withered hands. (Matthew 12:10-13) |
8. Muhammad cut
off the hands of others. Sahih Bukhari vol.8, p. 520) |
9. Jesus raised
the dead. (John 11:1-45) |
9. Muhammad had
the living killed. Ibn Hisham p. 308) |
10. Jesus
forgave his opponents. (Luke 23:43) |
10. Muhammad had
his opponents murdered. (Sahih Bukhari vol. 5, pp. 248-) |
11. Jesus set
the condemned free. (John 8:1-11) |
11. Muhammad
condemned the free and led them into slavery. (Ibn Hisham p. 466) |
12. Jesus
preached in God's chosen temple. (Luke 20:1) |
12. Muhammad
prayed at the Ka'ba when it still contained hundreds of idols. (Sahih Bukari vol. 1, p.
151) |
13. Jesus
preached against divorce. (Matthew 5:31-32) |
13. Muhammad
preached divorce and allowed temporary marriage with compensation. (Mut'a) (Qur'an 2:230,
Sahih Bukhari vol. 7, p. 8) |
14. Jesus was
sinless. (John 8:46) |
14. Muhammad was
sinful. (Qur'an 47:21 and Qur'an 110) |
15. Jesus gave
Himself as a sacrifice for all mankind. (John 1:29 and 10:18) |
15. Muhammad
died unexpectedly of illness (which he himself said was due to a poisoning attempt).
(Sahih Bukhari vol. 5, p. 510) |
16. Jesus rose
from the dead on the third day after His death, and later ascended into heaven. (Luke 23
and 24) |
16. Muhammad was
buried in Medina on the third day after his death. His tomb is visited by pilgrims each
year. (al-Tabari vol. 9, p. 208) |
17. Jesus is
God's Word and God Himself. (John 1:1, 14) |
17. Muhammad was
only a warner. (Qur'an 29:49) |
18. Jesus lives! |
18. Muhammad is
dead. |
The God of Jesus
Christ sent His Son to die for you. |
The god of Muhammad
demands that you send your son to die for him. |
"When the threat of death becomes a door to paradise, the
final barrier to temporal risk is broken.
When a Christian says from the heart, "To live is Christ and to die is
gain," he is free to love no matter what.
Some forms of radical Islam may entice martyr-murderers with similar dreams,
Christian hope is the power to love, not kill. Christian hope produces life-givers,
not life-takers."
~ John Piper
On The Web
July 13, 2002, Volume 17, Number 26
"The disciple is not above his
but every one that is perfect shall be as his master."
(Luke 6:40) |
"And if it seem evil unto you to
serve the LORD,
choose you this day whom ye will serve; ...
but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
(JOS 24:15)
A special message for our Muslim Visitors
A Christian Response to Muslim Beliefs
By Rev. Andrew Abraham |