Pastor Dick's "Short Series"
"Super Shorts" - Just a few very short thoughts about some
important Christian doctrines. More are to be added regularly, so keep checking back.
Symbolism - Here are some well known Christians symbols and a short article
on their significance in Christianity. I will be adding more so keep checking back.
Why Bible
Believing Christians Must Stand For Marriage! "GOD's Way"! -
Without a Constitutional Amendment, marriage as we know it, and as set forth in Holy
Scripture, will very quickly become obsolete
How Are We Then Saved? - The foremost question of all time: "how are we
saved?" To this question there are many answers but there is only one truth.
Eternal Security - When folks ask me what we here at ChristRing
Ministries teach regarding the doctrine of the Eternal Security of believers in Jesus
Christ, I simply point them to the following short teaching originally written by, Pastor
Jim West.
or Muhammad? - (Christianity or Islam?) A short comparison of Jesus and his
life and teachings to Muhammad and his life and teachings.
Bible "Version" Debate - (Which one is best?) It may surprise some of you to hear that after years of study and
seeking God on the issue, I personally now use a New King James Version Open Bible for my
personal studies and in my preaching. Why? Well first of all I am convinced that the Texus
Receptus is the most valid source text.
The Trinity
- A short Bible study/proof of the Trinity. A short answer to the question "where is
the Trinity found in the Bible?".
vs The Trinity - The Doctrine of the Trinity is not only foundational to true
Christianity, but has also been well established by sound Biblical exegesis over the
Apostle's Creed as a Statement of Faith - Historically and doctrinally, The
Apostles' Creed stands as the single finest summary of Scripture presenting what a
Christian must believe regarding, The Person of God / Jesus / Spirit, The Atonement and
The Resurrections.
vs Christianity - As one carefully compares sound Biblical doctrine and the
God of the Bible with the teachings/literature of Freemasonry and the god of Freemasonry
it becomes obvious that the two religions are anathema to one another.
Divorce and
Remarriage - When we, the Church, a minister or lay person today are asked
the same question that the Pharisees ask Christ, " it lawful for a man [or
woman] to put away his [her] wife [husband] for every cause?" (Matthew 19:3),
regarding the "Legal" grounds for divorce, should the answer not be the same as
Christ's? No! No! No