It may surprise some of you
to hear that after years of study and seeking God on the issue, I personally now use a New
King James Version Open Bible for my personal studies and in my preaching. Why? Well first
of all I am convinced that the Texus Receptus is the most valid source text. Next, Since I
have difficulty reading and understanding the Archaic King James English it is the only
available choice, and the Open Bible notes are a fine assist in preaching and teaching.
Now, that said, I was saved while reading the NIV and grew to Christian maturity using an
NIV Study Bible. I still think that the NIV Study Bible notes are one of the finest sets
of Evangelical study notes in publication today. In fact I strongly recommend that young
Christians begin their personal studies using the NIV Study Bible while anchoring it to
the KJV (or NKJV) where debatable issues are involved and with very careful attention to
the footnotes. Unlike many I do not believe that there is an underlying socio-political
agenda at work in the newer Evangelical translations such as the NIV and NASB, at least
not as it was originally published. I personally know individuals that were part of the
translation team for the NIV (the family of the Sr Greek scholar on the team, Dr. Steven
Paine). They are truly Godly folks who are truly seeking to bring God's word to the world
in a readable and understandable venue. Did they choose the wrong source text? probably,
but not out of some evil socio-political agenda. Their true goal was to present God's word
as accurately as possible. In spite of what many KJV only proponents teach, the
differences between the texts is quite small and in fact does NOT materially affect the
message of the Gospel. ("Proof Texting" is not a valid method of Bible study,
nor is it a valid method of judging a Bible version.) To say otherwise is to say that God
is not able to keep (protect) His Word. Think about it.
In contrast, I do believe that the newer Ecumenical translations such as the New Revised
Standard Version and the updated NIV (aka: TNIV or "Today's New International
Version") do carry a distinctive socio-political agenda arising primarily from the
Radical Feminist and Gay Activist agendas. Extreme caution is called for in their use even
in comparative studies. Like in all things involving the Christian life, discernment in
choosing a translation is appropriate. However, God can and does use them all in changing
lives. To teach that only one particular translation is usable by God is to put God in a
box and limit Him to our own comprehension of Him. (We then create God in our own image.)
Something we must never do.
The reality in all of this debate is that God did NOT "REBREATH" Scripture in
1611 and if you really want to read the "uncorrupted" Word, you need to learn to
read the Scriptures in the original Greek, Hebrew and Chaldee. While I do know folks that
can do this, they are few. (and they all call the argument over English versions foolish)
We need to trust others to give us a true and accurate translation and in this we must
trust God to "keep His Word" and in His Holy Spirit to guide us in our choice of
our personal Bible.
For the most part, we use the King James Version as our primary source here at ChristRing
Ministries and Cyber-Church. Not because it is the only valid English translation, but
because sadly there are some that think it is. The reality is that it is the most
universally accepted English translation. Effectively, our use of the KJV eliminates the
"version argument" and hopefully makes the message that much more accessible to
the Body.
The most important question in this debate is not "which version do you use?"
but do you READ the one you have chosen.
For those that are interested, we do have an article on our ChristRing Ministries site by
a TRUE expert in this debate, Dr. James Qurollo. It is one of the best I've read to date.
It is located at
and I highly recommend it.
Purchase a New King James Version Open Bible